Sunday, May 3, 2009

Simple Prayer

I'm not sure why this is on my heart at 5:30 in the morning, but God I just pray that very soon You give someone an awesome experience that will open their eyes to You. I'm not even sure who I'm praying for, but let them experience You in a way that makes You so real and undeniable. Show them the grace You have shown me, even though I've been so inconsistent lately. Thank You for the cross. Thank You for everything. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quote of the Day #3

This one is from my study bible concerning offerings.

"To day God still expects us to set aside his portion first, not last. Giving leftovers to God is no way to express thanks."

Good News Club I start praise and worship for the Good News Club here in Stephenville. I'm pretty excited about it. I was supposed to start 2 weeks ago, but things kept getting in the way. Even today I need all the time I can get to write 2 papers that are due tomorrow. (Don't procrastinate...too much stress!) Anyway, I feel like Satan's been maneuvering things so that I haven't been able to serve as God wants me to for the time. So, I'm sacrificing 2 much needed hours to go to this event. If you read this, pray for me. I haven't written in a while and it's been a bit of a roller coaster, but I'm still striving and growing. Pray for the kids that will be attending today as well. If you don't catch this today, still pray because Good News Club is every Wednesday. Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quote of the Day #2

This one is from my Lifegroups study book by Ed Young, Jr.

"Be committed to spending time with your children--both quantity time and quality time, including quality conversation. Really listen to them, even when the content of their conversation seems trivial to you. It's not trivial to them. Make eye contact with them and communicate that their presence is important to you. If you listen to them when they are five, they will talk to you when they are fifteen and twenty-five."

That last sentence really sums it up. I hope I don't need to explain this quote. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quote of the Day #1

I'm going to start this because I'm alway finding something great and I want to share the wealth : )!

"Popular psychology says that man's greatest problem today is low self-esteem. Jesus cautions that your problem is you think too much of yourself."
--Richard Blackaby (Experiencing God: Collegiate Edition)

John 12:25

"The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

Quick thought for today. In doing my CORE discipleship study this morning I came across this verse. I could tell God was speaking to me when I had to reread it a few times. It seems that I can never maintain a long period of true consistency in the Word and my prayer life. I hate that with all my heart. As I look back I can see all the times when I turn my back on God. I go for awhile in good shape, memorizing verses, but I let it fall apart. Whether it's taking that second glance at something I shouldn't, letting that cuss word slip, or just the first impulse of my heart in a particular situation, I seem to always fall down again. It makes me despise my life and the person I am and feel like there's nothing good in my heart. But, God taught me something that I should've already known. I'm not perfect, and as long as I'm on this earth I never will be! There will be times in my life when I fail God and the ones I love because I am flesh, I don't always trust God completely and let the Holy Spirit take care of every situation. The important thing is that when I do fall, I have to get right back up and go to God. My relationship with Him is the only thing I can carry to heaven. I'm not saying you have to feel so bad about yourself that you hate your life to fulfill this verse. The key is that you cannot give up and let the things of this world become your focus. You have to be "Kingdom minded" and realize that this life is only a temporary stage which God has allowed you to live so you can be a part of His plan. If you choose to be a part of His plan, then keep at it. Don't give up if you fall down, but call upon the Lord, go to your Christian friends for counsel. Most importantly, pick that Bible back up and soak it in. If you are not praying and reading your Bible you cannot know God's will.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Quick Lesson from Job

So...I've read Job many times, but with so much redundancy spilling out of the mouths of Job's three friends in their judgements, it has always been hard for me to really pay attention instead of just getting through it. I've been studying Job for a month now, and I finally understood what one of the main points were, probably the point that applies most to my life. I have the New King James Version of the Life Application Study Bible. It's a great resource which provides great insight to many passages. At the bottom of each page are explanations and examples to help sharpen someone's knowledge of their particular study. Reading through chapter 33 of Job I came across the passage below which talked about verse 13: "Why do you contend with Him? For He does not give an accounting of any of His words." They give a lengthy explanation of this verse, but what caught my eye was the end...and I will quote:

"If God were to answer all our questions, we would not be adequately tested. What if God had said, 'Job, Satan's going to test you and afflict you, but in the end you'll be healed and get everything back'? Job's greatest test was not the pain; but that he did not know why he was suffering. Our greatest test may be that we must trust God's goodness even though we don't understand why our lives are going a certain way. We must learn to trust in God who is good and not in the goodness of life."

I don't think any more words are required. They pretty much said it all. It's the basis of faith. We cannot see God or know His ways, so we must have faith. Remember that when you feel like God isn't giving you the answers you want, and trust that He has everything under control.

>>Also speaking about chapter 35: "Sometimes we wonder if being faithful to our convictions really does any good at all...God is still concerned even though he doesn't intervene immediately in every situation. In the broad scope of time God executes justice. We have his promise on that. Don't lose hope. Wait upon God..."